
Can telcos survive on data analytics alone?

We don’t pay for Facebook or Google services — at least not with money. We pay with the information about ourselves that OTTs are then able to monetise and get [some] revenue out of. Yet companies that have the most data about our behaviour and daily habits have not yet learnt how to get money

28 Aug 2013

Customer loyalty in telecom — CEE perspective

My new blog post on customer loyalty in CEE telecom market written for can be found here.

17 Dec 2012

Loyalty of SMEs — gray area of telecoms’ marketing

An interesting report of Telesperience prepared for Comarch — a Polish BSS/OSS IT ISV and integrator. Small and Medium Enterprises, that are perceived as one of key growth opportunities by European telecoms, have very low level of loyalty. 80% of the SMEs plan to change their service provider at the end of the service contract

09 Dec 2012

Operator app stores – not a viable source of revenue

Many telecom operators have tried to open and run their own app stores, selling applications for Android and BlackBerry smartphones (Apple’s ecosystem is closed). It seems that those have not turned out to be a viable source of new revenue for the telcos. Verizon announced plans to shut down their app store by January 2013,

27 Nov 2012

Mobile data traffic to show 50% CAGR until 2018

Ericsson has unveiled their latest report on mobile traffic. The most striking prediction is related to future growth of the mobile data traffic; Ericsson’s estimate is that the traffic will grow approximately 12x between 2012 and 2018, which gives 50% CAGR. The prediction of traffic sources in 2018 is that smartphones will generate the same

26 Nov 2012

Vodafone Farmers’ Club

A very interesting product by Vodafone Turkey – a simple SMS-based marketplace and information/education service for Turkish farmers. I guess it is not going to bring too much revenue directly to Vodafone, but the effect it has on customer advocacy is hard to overestimate. Article in The Telegraph

20 Nov 2012

Telco in Europe – the future is not bright

An interesting post on the Telco 2.0 Research site: The future’s not bright, it’s brutal. STL Partners predicts 19%-20% drop in revenues from core mobile services — SMS and voice — for UK and Germany until 2020. The drop for France is predicted at 34%, 47% for Italy and whopping 61% for Spain. Of course

19 Nov 2012